
Samuel Hahnemann discovered the theory that “like cures like” (similia similibus curentur) when working with quinine to treat malaria. He found that quinine, when given to a client without malarial fever, would spike a fever even though they were not sick. He tried various other medicines and found the same to be true, namely, that medications used to treat symptoms of the disease would cause those same symptoms in a healthy person. Additionally, he found that smaller or non-therapeutic dosages of medications or remedies would successfully stimulate the body’s natural healing processes without the side effects of larger dosages.

Today, homeopathy is considered a complementary or alternative medicine practice that uses very dilute dosages of natural substances called remedies to treat mental and emotional as well as physical symptoms. Unlike conventional medicine, homeopaths look for patterns of symptoms to discover the correct remedy rather than a named diagnosis to treat.

Homeopathy is regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration the same as nonprescription or over-the-counter drugs. Practicing homeopaths must be licensed practitioners in their state. It is recommended that you use a qualified practitioner to find the right remedy for you. Naturopathic doctors have extensive training in homeopathy as part of their medical training and the doctors at A Better Life Naturopathic Healthcare are no exception.

Initial homeopathic visits are longer than traditional client care visits because the interview process is more in-depth and will include a physical examination. Homeopathy also requires more frequent follow-up visits to manage symptoms. Homeopathy can be used for serious illnesses and conditions to help alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life but should never be used alone when treating life-threatening illnesses such as cancer.

Find out if homeopathy is the right choice for you by contacting A Better Life Naturopathic Healthcare and requesting an appointment.