Mental Health Supportive Care

There are some mental health concerns that do not require medication. By providing holistic and traditional treatments, A Better Life Naturopathic Healthcare improves mental health outcomes through lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, supplementation, nutrition, hydrotherapy, bodywork, self-care, and mind-body practices. Our Services Page describes each of these available services in more detail. We work with each of our clients to develop a customized treatment plan using one or more of our services.


When a diagnosed mental health condition requires psychotherapeutic intervention, our natural approach can be effective as an adjunct to that treatment you are already receiving. As a result, sleep and diet are improved, and an overall feeling of well-being and health is enhanced.


In addition to treating depression and anxiety, our licensed Naturopathic doctors have also successfully treated bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress disorder.


Natural solutions to mental health concerns are available through A Better Life Naturopathic Healthcare. Find out if naturopathic healthcare is right for you by calling (913) 444-9291 or booking a free, 20-minute consultation.