Our Story

A Better Life Naturopathic Healthcare was established as a physician house call, general care practice in answer to the need for safe, effective, and accessible healthcare during the growing COVID-19 pandemic in the San Francisco Bay Area. The general practice was founded on the principles of medicine from the past when doctors visited clients in their homes providing safe access to care for those who were ill or afraid of coming into contact with the COVID-19 virus. As the practice grew so did demands for more specialized care. Clients were suffering from chronic isolation and new symptoms of anxiety and depression. Substance abuse, domestic violence, and thoughts of suicide increased over the course of the pandemic lockdown. The stress of the pandemic also caused past traumatic events to resurface causing disabling panic attacks, fear, and flashbacks. In-home visits allowed clients to discuss, identify, and treat these mental health concerns from the privacy of their homes. After years of moving to accommodate education and careers, Dr. Branstetter and her husband decided to homestead on the 40-acre, Jericho Ranch in Perry, Kansas. With that decision, Dr. Branstetter moved her successful private practice to rural Kansas and brought with it the model of doctor home visits. In addition, a clinic will be opened on the park-like grounds of Jericho Ranch to serve the needs of trauma survivors and those dealing with mental health issues requiring longer-term care.

Meet Your Doctor

Dr. Heather Branstetter, ND

Dr. Branstetter uses herbs, supplements, and hydrotherapy to treat and manage influenza, colds, and seasonal allergies. With conventional and natural treatments, she has alleviated chronic pain, diabetes, high blood pressure, digestive conditions, women’s health issues, long-term COVID, and mental health issues following COVID lock-down, and facilitated post-surgery care. Moreover, she has successfully managed depression, anxiety, OCD, social anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, PTSD, complex PTSD, substance use, and overcoming sexual assault, physical assault, and domestic violence for a wide variety of clients. Dr. Branstetter has also had the privilege of collaborating with many veterans addressing combat and military service-related conditions.


Dr. Branstetter graduated from the nation’s premier naturopathic medicine university, Bastyr University. Additionally, she completed two years of post-doctoral clinical psychology education at Palo Alto University.


She served at the Truman Chavez Community Center with the Alternative Healing Network, Inc. in Chula Vista California serving veterans, and unhoused and economically disadvantaged clients. She also precepted at Healthtopia Integrative Urgent Care Clinics in Encinitas, California seeing a variety of conditions and demographics.


While attending Bastyr University, Dr. Branstetter received extensive training in Women’s Health, Diabetes and Cardiovascular Wellness, hydrotherapy, and homeopathy. She completed advanced Levels 1 & 2 hydrotherapy certifications from Sebastian-Kneipp-Schule in Bad Wörishofen, Germany. She completed all core and advanced courses of Visceral Synthesis at True Radiance, Inc. At Palo Alto University, Dr. Branstetter’s focused her clinical, academic, and research pursuits on PTSD, serious mental illness, and trauma recovery.


Dr. Branstetter is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in the State of Kansas.


She specializes in low-to-no-cost natural treatments addressing chronic physical and mental health conditions with the aim of whole-person health and healing.